Трансляции заседаний общества ССХ и лекций для ординаторов и аспирантов 1 года на сайте racvs.ru 23 октября

На сайте Ассоциации сердечно-сосудистых хирургов России (racvs.ru) продолжаются онлайн трансляции лекций для ординаторов и аспирантов первого года обучения.

Factors associated with 30-day readmission of patients with heart failure from a Japanese administrative database

Numerous studies have been conducted in many countries to identify the factors associated with readmission of patients with heart failure (HF).

Beta-blockers may increase perioperative MACE, mortality risk in uncomplicated hypertension

Perioperative treatment with a beta-blocker may be linked to elevated risk for major adverse CV events and all-cause mortality in patients with uncomplicated hypertension undergoing noncardiac surgery, according to recent findings.

Young women with acute MI less likely to receive, adhere to pharmacotherapy

Young women with acute MI are less likely than young men to use secondary prevention CV medications, according to study findings published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

Downgrading risk to minimize statin use in an era of increased statin eligibility

The 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines introduced the 10-year atherosclerotic CVD risk estimator to guide clinician–patient risk discussions about statin therapy.

RIVER-PCI: Ranolazine fails to benefit patients with incomplete revascularization after PCI

Treatment with ranolazine did not lower rates of ischemia-driven revascularization or hospitalization without revascularization in patients with a history of chronic angina who had incomplete revascularization after PCI, according to late-breaking clinical trial results presented at the annual TCT Scientific Symposium.

How low should we target the LDL goal to improve survival for acute coronary syndrome patients in Hong Kong?

Utilization of lipid-lowering agents has been associated with improved long-term outcomes in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. However, updated data regarding local use and outcomes was lacking.
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