On March 14, 2014 World Sleep Day is celebrated

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The main goal of World Sleep Day is informing world's society of importance of good healthy sleep. This year World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) chose slogan “Restful Sleep, Easy Breathing, Healthy Body”. This special day includes different educational and entertaining events such as discussions, presentations of educational materials and exhibitions around the world and online. Learn more information on official website http://worldsleepday.org/

In order to help people organize their day and sleeping time WASM published 10 rules of healthy sleep. It includes going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, reducing consumption of caffeinated drinks and heavy food before sleep, use of comfortable and pleasing temperature condition. You can find more information on http://wasmonline.org/

In Russia WASM officially presented by delegates from Federal Almazov Medical Research Centre. They organized special events for all comers within World Sleep Day.

We wish you all good night's sleep and active wake!

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