Anticoagulants plus NSAIDs or aspirin increased bleeding risk in VTE

Concomitant use of aspirin or an NSAID during anticoagulant therapy was associated with an increased risk for clinically relevant and major bleeding in patients with venous thromboembolism, according to study results.

Today, May 4, World Congress of Cardiology 2014 was opened in Melbourne

Russian Society of Cardiology is represented on the WCC 2014 organized by World Heart Federation (WHF).

Matters of the heart museum (RUSSIA BEYOND THE HEADLINES from 1 May 2014)

The Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC) will be taking part in the World Congress of Cardiology 2014, which is running in Melbourne from May 4 to 7.

Depression and heart disease: What you should know

The connection between heart disease and depression has long been known, but is not yet fully understood.

Dipping blood sugars cause surprisingly irregular heart rhythms in diabetics

Dangerous overnight blood sugar levels often go undetected and cause prolonged periods of heart rhythm disturbances in older patients with Type 2 diabetes and associated heart problems, new research reveals.

Proteinuria Often Untreated in Hospital

In a single-center study, a large proportion of hospitalized patients had protein in their urine, but only 37% of these patients were being treated for the condition, according to Vishesh Kumar, MD, of Albany Medical College in New York, and colleagues.
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