Odds of major bleeding, mortality lower with fondaparinux than heparin

Patients with non-STEMI who were treated with fondaparinux had better rates of major bleeding and mortality during hospitalization and up to 180 days after discharge compared with patients treated with low–molecular-weight heparin, according to new data.

Anemia may predict poor outcomes after TAVR

The presence of anemia and lower hemoglobin levels was predictive of poor functional status in patients with aortic stenosis before and after transcatheter aortic valve replacement.

Risk for cancer elevated in stroke survivors

In a new analysis of the Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention study, the annual rate of age-adjusted cancer incidence was higher among survivors of ischemic stroke compared with the general population.

Dehydration at time of stroke linked to worse outcomes

Adults who are dehydrated at the time of stroke are at risk for worsening severity of their condition, independent of infarct size, compared with people who are not dehydrated, according to data presented at the International Stroke Conference.

Elevated circulating troponin linked to AF risk in older adults

In ambulatory older adults, circulating troponin T levels appear to be significantly associated with incident atrial fibrillation, according to recent findings.

International School on Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine

RSC provides 30 grants for young cardiologists to participate in this school (registration fee and traveling expenses are covered).

One-third of patients would risk shorter life rather than take pill for CVD prevention

In an Internet-based survey of 1,000 people, approximately one-third said they would risk a shorter life rather than take a daily pill for prevention of CVD.
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