The 1st Congress of Cardiovascular Prevention in Pre-Elderly and Elderly Individuals: special registration rate for RSC members

Russian Society of Cardiology actively participates in the international meetings and supports all kind of sharing information about activities.

Doctors provide medical care on every remote Russian region

In Siberian city Barnaul the 4-year project "Road-train" has met its first results. For this period doctors made examinations of nearly 200 thousand patients in 780 villages in Altai region, conducted more than 286 thousand tests, 21 thousand people were sent to further diagnostics, hospitalized - more than 2,000 patients.

Early invasive strategy effective in patients with first-time ACS

An early invasive strategy was associated with better outcomes than a conservative strategy in patients hospitalized with ACS for the first time, according to the results of a retrospective cohort study.

Six updates in familial hypercholesterolemia

Familial hypercholesterolemia presents unique challenges in its resistance to many of the common early interventions for LDL reduction, such as diet and lifestyle changes.

Carotid stenting yields higher long-term rates of stroke, death vs. endarterectomy

Results of a meta-analysis indicate that carotid artery stenting was associated with a higher risk for stroke and death over the course of follow-up compared with endarterectomy.

Stroke Rounds: Gender Difference Seen in Dabigatran Dosing

Women with atrial fibrillation have a higher stroke risk than men, but they are more likely to receive lower doses of the oral coagulant dabigatran (Pradaxa) than their male counterparts, according to findings from a population-based study from Quebec, Canada.

Russia won in the European Heart Failure Awareness Day 2015!

26 cities joined European Heart Failure Awareness Day this year.
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