Российский национальный конгресс кардиологов прошел с большим успехом в Екатеринбурге 20-23 сентября.
On the last day of the Russian National Congress of Cardiology there was held an Interactive cardio-quiz on imaging "Your own game" led by Simon Matskeplishvili.
ESC launched and successfully develops a huge programme of registries on different cardiovascular diseases, including Chronic Ischemic Cardiovascular Disease (CICD) Registry and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) STEMI Registry. Each registry is planned to achieve nearly 15,000 patients from more than 35 countries.
On the second day of the Congress the RSC Working group of Young Cardiologists held two meetings.
Young cardiologists met in the final discussion to find out who knows the European guidelines better.
Go Red For Women® - social initiative aimed to focus attention of Russian women on prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
On the first day of the Russian Congress of Cardiology there was held an opening ceremony of the exhibition of the pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies.