The ESC Guidelines Team offer doctors to share their experience in decision making or management of a challenging case of Dual Anti-platelet Therapy (DAPT).
We are going to start the preparation for the Forum of Young Cardiologists that will be held on April 20-21, 2016 in the heart of Siberia, in Krasnoyarsk.
Turkish company MD Limited (http://www.mdlimited.com.tr/) offered an award "MD LIMITED AWARD for THE POSTER PRESENTATION OF THE YEAR" within the Russian National Congress of Cardiology.
On October 25-26 the VI Scientific and educational conference of Kavkaz cardiologists and physicians was held in Grozny, Russia.
On October 21-22 the 4th All-Russian Conference “The Controversies of Modern Cardiology: Disputable and Unresolved Questions” was successfully held in Samara.
Сердце радуется. Некоторые наши кардиологи — лучшие в мире, Новосибирцам напомнили о важности профилактики сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, Министр Вероника Скворцова: в России увеличилась продолжительность жизни, Министр здравоохранения Республики Татарстан презентовал проект республиканского Минздрава «Слушай свое сердце», Врачи: Кока-кола вызывает болезни сердца, Профилактика заболеваний сердца позволила снизить смертность на 30% и др.
10th International Conference on Acute Cardiac Care will be held on January 15-17, 2017 in Tel Aviv, Israel.