СМИ о РКО - май 2017

Сергей Бойцов возглавил Российский кардиологический научно-производственный комплекс; Россия укрепляет платформу гериатрической помощи; Акция MMM17 в Санкт-Петербурге и др.

International congress in Tyumen: to treat better, to save more lives

The VII International Congress "Cardiology at the intersection of sciences" was held in Tyumen on May 24-26 and traditionally gathered leading Russian and foreign specialists.

MMM17: Moscow has joined the initiative

Young doctors from the National Center for Preventive Medicine (Moscow), members of the RSC Working group of young cardiologists took part in the May Measurement Month-2017 (MMM17).

Saint-Petersburg joined the MMM17

May Measurement Month is a global initiative aimed at screening blood pressure in those people who have not had the tests in 1 year.

On May 17th, 2017 the second webinar "Atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular diseases in Russia. Secondary cardiovascular prevention" within the joint RSC and ACC project took place in Moscow

Russian Society of Cardiology and American College of Cardiology conduct a joint educational programme in form of webinars dedicated to cardiovascular prevention.

MMM17 in Samara

In Samara the global initiative MAY MEASUREMENT MONTH 2017 was realised by a young teacher from the Samara State Medical University, cardiologist Dr. Olesya Rubanenko.

Barnaul joined Go Red for Women!

On May 18th, 2017 the photo exhibition "Wear red for women!" was opened in the Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts (Barnaul) within the annual conference "Young patient. Cardiovascular risks, its diagnosis and therapy".
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