СМИ о РКО - июнь 2017

Поститься с умом; В Бишкеке состоялась акция «Красное платье» - «Здоровая женщина – здоровая страна»; В Минздраве снова заговорили об ответственности пациентов, которые не хотят лечиться и др.

Final video MMM17

Russian Society of Cardiology joined the May Measurement Month - A global Blood Pressure (BP) Awareness Campaign, incorporating World Hypertension Day.

Increased Impact Factor for European Heart Journal announced

European Heart Journal remains a leading cardiology journal with international impact.

The 7th annual scientific and practical session of young specialists of Kuzbass "From science to practice" in the field of cardiovascular diseases

On June 8-9, 2017 the 7th annual scientific and practical session of young specialists of Kuzbass "From science to practice" in the field of cardiovascular diseases was held in the Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases (Kemerovo).

Students from Yakutsk took part in the Go Red for Women®

Cardiologists of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) have supported the social initiative Go Red for Women® and the Red Dress project of the Russian Society of Cardiology.

Volunteer in Lipetsk joined the MMM17

A young cardiologist - Dr. Dmitry Gorelikov - on his own initiative joined the May Measurement Month 2017.

Saratov supported the May Measurement Month 2017

Members of the RSC Working group of young cardiologists (Saratov branch) and students of the Saratov Polytechnic University were trained to measure blood pressure.
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