University Health Center jointly with North-Kavkaz Cluster supported the international preventive health action MMM19

For the third year in a row social initiative was joined by the doctors of the University Health Center (Stavropol State Medical University).

Cardiologists of Chita (Russia) joined MMM2019

Specialists of the Chita State Medical Academy participated in the May Measurement Month social initiative.

RSC Regional Congress in Makhachkala

Региональный конгресс РКО проходит в Махачкале 14 - 15 июня.

RSC participates in the 27th Nordic-Baltic Congress of Cardiology in Helsinki

Russian Society of Cardiology is taking part as an exhibitor in the 27th Nordic-Baltic Congress of Cardiology held in Helsinki from 10 to 12 of June.

Far-Eastern State Medical University (Khabarovsk, Russia) joined the MMM19

The University took part in the global initiative May Measurement Month supported by RSC.

MMM19 in Ulyanovsk

MMM19 was launched in the city by opening of the special public health corners - Cardio forces and Take care of your heart.

MMM19: Saratov is joining the global initiative

Saratov annually takes part in the global action May Measurement Month since 2017.
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