Pay your RSC membership fee before February 14th and become a member of the European Society of Cardiology

All members of the Russian Society paid their membership fee of 2021 up to February 14th, 2021 will be confirmed in the status of members of the ESC and receive the benefits.

Turkish-Russian Joint Session within the digital 36th Turkish Cardiology Congress

36th Turkish Cardiology Congress with International Participation was held on December 3-6, 2020.

Abstract submission to Joint Meeting ESH-ISH 2021 is opened until December 13th

Joint Meeting ESH-ISH 2020 will be held ON-AIR on April 11-14, 2020.

New recommendations on how to provide CVD rehabilitation in the COVID-19 era

European Society of Preventive Cardiology (ESC).

The EAPC in Russia

The EAPC’s Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section autumn meeting took place online on 22 October.

Russian Society of Cardiology and Pfizer signed an agreement of strategic partnership

Совместная деятельность будет направлена на развитие российской службы кардиологической помощи, поддержку образовательных проектов для специалистов здравоохранения и многое другое.

Онлайн-семинар «Взгляд нефролога и кардиолога на нерешенные проблемы профилактики инсульта»

Дата и время проведения: 20.10.2020 в 16.00 (мск). Спикеры: Есаян А.М. и Баранова Е.И.
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