VII Global Educational Forum “Russian Cardiovascular Days” has ended in Saint-Petersburg

2019-04-20 00:00:001352

This year the Forum has been endorsed by the European Society of Cardiology for the first time. European and Russian speakers presented clinical cases and ESC guidelines on multiple cardiological topics.

Specialists from 12 countries participated in the Forum: France, Netherlands, Belgium, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Korea, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. 

In total, 860 participants were registered to the Forum and visited the meeting at the V. A. Almazov NMRC.

At the online broadcasting of the scientific sessions was available to viewers. Around 5,000 people watched the it online in Russia.

All registered participants will receive Russian and European CME credits.

We want to thank all distinguished speakers for their excellent presentations and the audience for their truly great response!

See you next time on April 23-25, 2020 in Saint-Petersburg! Same place, same time but even more science and fun! 


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