What the ESC can do for you!

The European Society of Cardiology provides a wealth of science, education and networking opportunities.

World Heart Day: 10 strategies to reduce CVD risk

In the TEXT ME study, patients with CHD who received text messages promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors had greater reductions in LDL and improvements in other heart disease risk factors compared with patients who did not receive the text messages.

Efficacy of novel HF drug persists at lower doses

Patients with HF treated with lower doses of an angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor exhibited reductions in risk for CV-related death and HF hospitalization compared with patients treated with lower doses of enalapril, according to a new analysis of the PARADIGM-HF trial.

Hypertension medication before bedtime reduces diabetes risk

Adults with hypertension who do not have diabetes have a lower risk for developing the disease when taking their blood pressure medication at bedtime compared with adults who take the medication upon awakening, according to research in Diabetologia.

Sexual activity does not increase MI risk

Sexual activity does not appear to be associated with increased risk for subsequent MI, and patients can safely resume sexual activity after MI, according to a new report in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

AF associated with elevated risk for dementia regardless of stroke

Adults with atrial fibrillation had a higher risk for dementia than those without atrial fibrillation, regardless of whether they had experienced a stroke, according to the results of a prospective, population-based study.

Intake of select amino acids improves arterial stiffness in women

The intake of certain amino acids appears to be inversely linked with arterial stiffness and central BP among women, with significant associations noted for pulse wave velocity and central systolic BP, according to recent findings.
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